PM Encourages Seizure of Opposition Homes | Celebrating 73 Years of the Cambodian People's Party, Hun Sen Reflects on Decades of Nation-Building | Cambodia and Ukraine Discuss Enhancing Bilateral Cooperation | Cambodian People's Party: A Pillar of National Unity and Progress | Cambodia International Film Festival Celebrates 13th Year with Star-Studded Gala |

Recent News

Sar Savy a Cambodian “blue helmet” (Video inside)

Phnom Penh: Sar Savy a Cambodian “blue helmet”, will be awarded posthumously the Dag Hammarskjold Medal on the International Day of UN Peacekeepers on May 27 along with more than 100 UN peacekeepers.

Prime Minister Hun Sen champions Children's Rights.

Phnom Penh: Cambodia is committed to promoting children's rights and increasing all forms of protection for them. Prime Minister Hun Sen said in a letter reminding everyone of the upcoming International…

Cambodia to host the 13th ASEM summit this November.

The 13th ASEM Summit (ASEM13) will take place in Phnom Penh on 25-26 November 2021, under the theme “Strengthening Multilateralism for Shared Growth”. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says the current…

Invitations Issued for Cambodia’s ASEM13

Phnom Penh: Invitations have been issued for November’s ASEM13 summit which is to be hosted virtually by Cambodia. This is one of the main outcomes of the 3rd ASEM Senior Officials Meeting, co-chaired…