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CHRC to Defend National Report on Implementation of ICCPR at 134th Session of UN Human Rights Committee

PHNOM PENH: The Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) issued a press release on 5 March 2022, on behalf of the Minister attached to the Prime Minister and President of the CHRC, Keo Remy, and the Vice President of the CHRC and Secretary of State of the Ministry of Justice, Chin Malin, stating that they will lead a CHRC delegation and an inter-ministerial delegation – including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, and the Ministry of Information – to defend the National Report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) from 9-11 March 2022 at the 134th session of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, where Cambodia had submitted its fifth National Report in March 2019.

The press release states that the defense of the National Report will be held in a hybrid format, with the Cambodian delegation participating via video conference, and the Cambodian Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Cambodia to the United Nations and International Organization at Geneva participating in person in the conference room in Geneva with members of the UN Human Rights Committee.

The defense of the Report is a mechanism by the UN Human Rights Committee, which is conducted every four years to monitor and improve the human rights situation in all UN member states.

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