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Booster Vaccination Campaign for Children Aged 5 and Above Beginning on 21 February

PHNOM PENH: The Royal Government of Cambodia has announced the start of the booster dose vaccination campaign for children aged five and above. For children who are aged six and above, the booster dose vaccination campaign will begin on 21 February 2022, while children who are five years old can begin getting their booster doses on 11 March 2022.

The Ministry of Health issued a statement on Thursday announcing that children of national civil servants from the age of six can start receiving their booster dose vaccines from 21 February 2022 at these locations: Calmette Hospital, Ang Duong Hospital, the National Children's Hospital, the Maternal and Child Health Center and Kantha Bopha Hospital.

The statement also announced that children of UN officials, embassy staff or staff of national and international organizations and tycoons, will be able to receive their booster dose vaccine starting from 14 March 2022.

The booster dose campaign for children of civil servants, contracted officials as well as the children of members of the general public will be prepared under the supervision of the 25 Capital-Provincial Administration at various locations in the Capital and in the Provinces, which will be announced through a letter to the public from 21 February 2022 onwards.

The Ministry of Health also highlighted that "the gap between the second dose [and third booster dose] should be at least 4 months."

People must bring their accompanying documents at the time of vaccination, such as their child’s immunization card, registration documents at the first dose, and the ID card of the parent or guardian, as well as the contractor of the parents, for children of national officials.

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