SIEM REAP: APSARA National Authority has released an announcement saying that Siem Reap province will have another museum scheduled to start construction in early 2020.
The new museum will be titled “Preah Moha Vimul Dhamma Pin Sem Reachbo”, located in Reachbo or Rajabo Pagoda, with cost estimated at $900,000.
“Preah Moha Vimul Dhamma Pin Sem Reachbo” museum will be centered in host Buddhism knowledge and artefacts, aimed to attract domestic and international visitors to see Cambodia’s artworks made by Khmer ancestors praising the Buddhist religion.
The Chief of Monks of Reachbo Pagoda, Preah Moha Vimul Dhamma Serey Sovannor Pin Sem has started the discussion and first ideas, collecting and maintaining Buddhism heritage of Cambodian ancestors since 1980, such as pottery, Buddha statues and artefacts made of stone, copper and bronze.