PAILIN: Pailin Provincial Governor Ban Srey Mom has attended the opening ceremony of the Higher Secondary Diploma named as Bacii Examination Package for the 2020-2021 School Year at Hun Sen High School Examination Center, Tep Nimmith City.
The ceremony was also attended by the leaders of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Deputy Governor, the Provincial Police Commissioner, the Director of the Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports, as well as teachers as the Vice President of the examination center and teachers.
The governor has encouraged the children to come to the exam to work hard to show their ability and knowledge in order to pass Grade A and pass the exam for everyone. At the same time, she has advised the students to maintain personal safety by coming to the exam on time, taking care of health, especially in traveling back and forth during the exam.
Director of Pailin Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports Tang Theara says there are two examination centers with 505 candidates, including 217 female students, 1 science class and 1 social science student center located at Hun Sen High School, Tep Nimmith City, Pailin City.