PHNOM PENH: An additional 300,000 doses of Sinovac vaccine have arrived at the Phnom Penh International on Monday morning. It was delivered to the Kingdom of Cambodia through the assistance of the COVAX Facility, an international mechanism established under the support of the World Health Organization and other international development organizations to provide Covid-19 vaccines for poor and least developed countries.
The 300,000 doses of Sinovac vaccine have arrived in the Phnom Penh International, around 11:30 am of Monday morning. Cambodia is one of the countries selected by the Covax Facility to receive vaccine assistance as a help to battle the Covid-19 pandemic.
As of Monday, more than three million doses of vaccine have been delivered to Cambodia through the Covax Center, including Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. The Covax Facility has planned to donate, in total, 6.6 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine to the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Cambodia is one of the top nations in the world that has achieved a quick vaccination program. The country has so far received more than 40 million doses of vaccines from both purchases and donations. With the first and second doses given to more than 14 million people, the Kingdom has inoculated more than 100% of the target adult population and it continues to provide third doses to its people.
The success of donations and purchases has allowed Cambodia to keep more than 6 million doses of vaccine in stock, used to vaccinate its own people as well as providing help for other countries, such as its neighbor Laos.
Cambodia's success in delivering vaccines for its people, reaching outstanding levels of vaccination, has led the World Health Organization, development partners and many countries to express their admiration to the Royal Government of Cambodia, as well as to Prime Minister Hun Sen for fighting the Covid-19 pandemic with excellency and efficacy.
As a result, since the first of November, the Royal Government has declared Cambodia an open country, with businesses and activities open, as well as its international borders for fully vaccinated tourists. Health measures such as the 3 Do’s and Don’ts are still being implemented and fully promoted to all citizens throughout the Kingdom.