Stung Treng: The First Vice President of the Cambodian Mines Authority, Mr. Ly Thuch has praised the contribution of donors, especially organizations working directly on demining and explosive remnants in Cambodia, as deminers not only contributed to saving lives not only the basics, but also the achievements as well as valuable achievements for the family and society.
During Mr. Ly Thuch visit to CMAC to clear cluster munitions in collaboration with Japan Mine Action Service (JMAS) and post-clearance community development in Sesan district, Stung Treng province, with the support of the Royal Government and the people of Japan on 8 January, he has commended JMAS' support for demining and on-site development with the aim of improving the livelihoods of local people after the clean-up, and thanked the CMAC Center, especially the deminers who have sacrificed everything to provide safe land to the people of Cambodia. He has added that the shoulder made is a valuable achievement for the family and society.
In collaboration with CMAC, JMAS has started its three-year project in Stung Treng Province from February 2021, with funding to support demining and community development work, such as training people about agriculture about $600,000 per year. JMAS has been supporting mine clearance and community development in Cambodia since 2002, including the rehabilitation of infrastructure, the construction of schools and the provision of agricultural technical skills in four provinces: Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Kampong Thom and Stung Treng and currently JMAS support is limited to Banteay Meanchey and Stung Treng.