PHNOM PENH: Minister of Tourism Thong Khon has made a significant remark, stressing how the good tourism management during the Water Festival holiday shows the Kingdom is ready to welcome tourisms fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
Thong Khon has also expressed the changes of costumes from the tourists of this year compared to the previous years. They preferred to use more the services of hotels, guesthouses and restaurants. Before, they tend to bring food with their families. According to the Minister of Tourism, it shows how the economy is getting back on track.
The Minister has also congratulated municipal and provincial administrations, as well as tourism departments for fully promoting the use of the SOP, the Standart Operating Procedure.
The tourists enjoyed their holidays, mostly fully vaccinated following a succesfull vaccination campaign in the country, but they were still following the health safety rules against Covid-19 promoted by the Ministry of Health.