Stung Treng: The General Department of Prisons spokesman, Nuth Savana, told EAC News that authorities were pursuing seven inmates who smashed the fence of Stung Treng Provincial Prison in Bachong Village, Preah Bat Commune Stung Treng City, and has escaped on the dawn of Monday.
Mr. Nuth Savana has confirmed that seven fugitives broke the prison walls and have managed to escaped. A boat was waiting at the Mekong River. But he could not confirm the details yet because the case is still under investigation. Among the seven inmates, six were convicted of drug-related offenses, and one was convicted of robbery, torture, and cruelty.
According to the Facebook page of the Stung Treng Provincial Police, they are appealing to residents to report at once if they catch sight of the escapees or they notice any doubtful actions or noted any signs of evidence in the roundabout areas.