PHNOM PENH: Cambodia’s Disability Action Council is encouraging governors around the country to enhance inclusiveness for persons with disabilities. The General Secretariat of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities partnered with the United Nations Development Program on Thursday to organise “Planning Skills” training for the Disability Action Councils in five of the kingdom’s provinces. The Head of the Australia-Cambodia Cooperation Program for Sustainable and Equitable Services also attended the meeting.
Thursday morning’s training event was opened by Secretary of State for the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Secretary-General of the Disability Action Council, Em Chan Makara. The “Planning Skills” training was for Disability Council Members of Kampong Speu, Kampong Cham, Tbong Khmum, Siem Reap and Battambang. According to Em Chan Makara, the “Planning Skills” training will help the Kingdom develop specific cooperation plans when it comes to requesting funds from provincial and municipal administrations for projects and upgrades designed to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities in the kingdom:
"Indeed, the remarkable achievements of the disability sector in recent years have been achieved thanks to the efforts and commitment of the Royal Government of Cambodia to ensure the quality of life of persons with disabilities are improving day by day. Despite the circumstances of the spread of Covid-19, the disability sector is still doing well."
Thursday’s training focused on key topics, including understanding a plan, recalling roles and responsibilities and developing resource thinking for monitoring and evaluation. Head of the Australia-Cambodia Cooperation Program for Sustainable and Equitable Services, Ann Rouve-Kiev, was also present. She hopes that Thursday’s training will contribute to the development of national strategic plans as well as plans focused on persons with disabilities.