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Phnom Penh Pagodas Being Disinfected on Orders of Governor

Phnom Penh: 151 pagodas across Phnom Penh are being disinfected, following the suspension of the Kan Ben and Pchum Pen festivals. Phnom Penh Governor Khuong Sreng has issued an order instructing all 14 of the capital’s districts to cooperate with the elite Royal Cambodian Armed Forces unit, Brigade 70, that has been put in charge of disinfecting pagodas, to protect and safeguard monks.

The Ministry of Health is also testing all monks, nuns and students at pagodas. Of the 8,975 tested, 141 monks have tested positive for Covid-19.

Elsewhere in the country, in Banteay Meanchey, food parcels have been delivered to 256 pagodas. Banteay Meanchey governor Oum Reatrey says the food parcels amount to 120 kilogrammes of rice and other products such as water, noodles, soy sauce and canned fish.

He confirmed that pagodas across the province are suffering, not only with a shortage of food but also from floods brought on by days of heavy rain.

Government’s decision to suspend Kan Ben and Pchum Ben has been supported by monks, who say the move has prevented a major community outbreak. While festival activities have been suspended, the three day national holiday of Pchum Ben will still go ahead between next Tuesday and Thursday.

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