Phnom Penh: In a voice message this morning, Prime Minister Hun Sen has spoken to the nation, during the holiday, about the reopening of universities in the Kingdom. The Prime Minister declared that the Royal government is already reopening schools and has requested the Ministry of Education to allow the reopening of universities. This month some schools reopened for grades 9 to 12, with health measures against the spread of Covid-19 still needing to be observed. Hun Sen added that universities will gradually reopen.
He reiterated that the government was forced to suspend the Pchum Ben ceremonies inside the pagodas, since the moving of citizens around the country, to visit their families, would probably increase the number of COVID 19 cases. The Prime Minister said: “With the spread of the Delta variant, I have to suspend the ceremonies for the safety of the people and to avert a community outbreak”.
The Prime Minister stressed It’s extremely important to keep doing the 3 dos and don’ts’, even if you already have taken the vaccines. He explained “Vaccines only reduce the risk of infection and, once infected, reduce the progression of the disease and reduce mortality”.