Phnom Penh: In an official telegram message this Friday morning, Prime Minister Hun Manet expressed his outrage regarding comments made by Hay Vanna, a prominent leader of protests in Japan, within the "United for the Nation" telegram group. Prime Minister Manet revealed that he was deeply upset by Vanna's remarks, particularly because Vanna appeared unafraid to jeopardize the livelihood of millions of Cambodians in pursuit of his political ambitions to overthrow the government.
The Prime Minister emphasized that Vanna's claim—that a decline in the Cambodian economy would not affect the Cambodian people—was not only incorrect but alarming. "I admire this person for saying that if the Cambodian economy goes down, it will not affect the Cambodian people," Manet stated. He further criticized Vanna for allegedly attempting to mobilize his supporters within the country to undermine the Cambodian economy for the sake of achieving their goals.
Highlighting the implications of Vanna's rhetoric, Prime Minister Manet pointed out the irony that Vanna, residing in Japan, could consider the consequences of an economic downturn in Cambodia as irrelevant to himself and his family. The Prime Minister questioned whether Vanna and his associates truly understood the negative impacts such actions could have on the lives of millions of Cambodians living in the country.
In his message, Prime Minister Hun Manet urged all Cambodians, especially those within the country, to thoughtfully assess the motivations behind Hay Vanna's calls to action. He encouraged the public to recognize the potential consequences of such rhetoric on the stability and prosperity of Cambodia and its people.
As the political landscape continues to evolve, the Prime Minister's statement serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between political expression and responsible leadership, particularly during times of unrest and influence from anti-government groups.