Kandal: Prime Minister Samdech Hun Manet emphasized the strength of Cambodia through national unity during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Funan Techo Canal on August 5, 2024. The ceremony took place in Samrong Thom Commune, Kien Svay District, Kandal Province.
In his address, PM Hun Manet highlighted the significance of national pride and unity, warning that the loss of these elements would weaken the Khmer nation. He drew historical parallels, recalling the collapse of the Angkorian era due to internal divisions, and underscored the lengthy process of rebuilding to the present day.
"The construction of the Funan Techo Canal marks the beginning of a new era of Khmer reunification," he stated, seeing this project as a symbol of national strength and unity.
PM Hun Manet pledged to continue working towards maintaining national peace, unity, and development, aiming for a prosperous future for Cambodia.