PHNOM PENH: The Ministry of Social Affairs held a workshop to assess the information needs of persons with disabilities in Cambodia on December 11. There, Sec. of State for the Ministry, Em Chan Makara, represented Social Affairs Minister Chea Somethy to guide the discussion and highlight the need for improving access to information for persons with disabilities.
During the workshop, Sec. Em Chan Makara encouraged the production of official documents in formats that are accessible to everyone by using large-print, braille and audio options. He also called for more persons with disabilities to be employed in broadcasting so they can help operate media coverage.
He said that access to adequate information creates new opportunities that can improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities. He noted that citizens need access to information related to the economy, education and training, health services, social and cultural information, and the environment. He hopes that accommodating their needs will encourage persons with disabilities to seek the latest information in a way that best suits them.
The Secretary of State requested the relevant units to increase the use of sign language, subtitles, braille, large font, and audio aids to provide opportunities for persons with disabilities to communicate, express opinions and access information of all kinds. He also mentioned the development of various programs and communication aids that can be used by all persons with disabilities to grant them access to comprehensive information.
Sec. Em Chan Makara called on relevant agencies to jointly consider the various needs of persons with disabilities when accessing specific information so that they can relay their message in a clear, simple and timely fashion.