INTERNATIONAL: There was a pleasant surprise this weekend for volunteers of an environmental group on the Italian island of Sicily. Dozens of endangered baby turtles hatched, from a nest no-one even knew was there. Evidence of the pitter-patter of tiny feet – or in this case fins – were spotted on the beach first thing on Sunday morning. Just a few minutes later, the first sightings of the hatchlings, all racing towards the sea.
The hatchlings are baby loggerhead or Caretta Caretta turtles, listed as an endangered species. Environmental group Mareamico says 74 of the hatchlings made it to the water.
Loggerhead sea turtles live in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. Their population has been in sharp decline in recent years due to hunting, loss of beach-nesting sites, over-harvesting of their eggs and being caught in fishing gear. Here’s hoping these little guys all survive.