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North Korea's Missile Launches with Arrival of US Submarine in South Korea

North Korea has launched two short-range ballistic missiles, according to South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). The missiles were fired from North Korea's Sunan area early on Wednesday and landed in the sea between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Each missile flew approximately 550 kilometers before reaching their target in the sea. South Korean and US intelligence authorities are currently analyzing the detailed specifications of the missiles.

The Japanese government confirmed that the missiles fell outside of its exclusive economic zone. These launches come amid increased tensions in the region. On Tuesday, a nuclear-capable US Navy ballistic missile submarine made a port call in South Korea's Busan city. The presence of the Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine was announced by the South Korean Defense Ministry.

Kim Yo Jong, sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and a senior official, expressed concern about the deployment of the US ballistic missile submarine, stating that it would further damage the already strained lines of communication between the two sides. North Korea had previously conducted a test of an advanced long-range missile and threatened to shoot down US military reconnaissance aircraft engaged in what it called "hostile espionage" activities near its territory.

In addition to the submarine deployment and missile launches, South Korea and the US held their inaugural meeting of the Nuclear Consultative Group in Seoul on Tuesday. This joint panel was established by the leaders of both countries during a summit in Washington in April.

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