Phnom Penh: Australian embassy released a press release Friday 7 July stating. Australia’s Special Envoy for Southeast Asia, Mr Nicholas Moore, will visit Phnom Penh next week as part of his regional consultations to help guide the development of the Australian Government’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040.
The Strategy will set out a practical pathway to strengthen Australia’s economic engagement with Southeast Asia, by mapping current and emerging opportunities to bolster two-way trade and investment.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced Mr Moore’s appointment as Special Envoy in Phnom Penh in November last year, while visiting Cambodia for the 2nd Annual ASEAN-Australia Summit and 17th East Asia Summit.
“I look forward to hearing local perspectives in Phnom Penh on how Australia can help meet the needs of Cambodia’s growing economy,” said Mr Moore.
“Australia has much to offer Cambodia and the broader region as a trusted and reliable partner.”
While in Cambodia, the Special Envoy will meet with leading business figures from a range of sectors including agriculture, education, minerals/resources and banking.
As part of his visit, the Special Envoy will join the Council for the Development of Cambodia to formally launch a ‘Handbook on Investing in Cambodia’ - a practical guide for Australian and other foreign investors looking for opportunities in the Cambodian market, with a particular focus on the 2021 Law on Investment (LOI).