Phnom Penh: Japanese embassy Cambodia released a press release On 4 July, Director General of IAEA, Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, presented Prime Minister KISHIDA of Japan with the "IAEA Comprehensive Report" on the safety review of ALPS* treated water that is generated from de-commissioning process of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and the report was published on the IAEA website the same day.
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*ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System)
In this report, IAEA concluded that approach to the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea, and the associated activities by TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings’), NRA (Nuclear Regulatory Agency), and the Government of Japan, are consistent with relevant international safety standards. IAEA also concluded that, based on its comprehensive assessment, the discharge of the ALPS treated water, as currently planned by TEPCO, will have a negligible radiological impact on people and the environment.
The report is a scientifically based assessment from the standpoint of an independent third party, the IAEA, which is authorized under the IAEA Statute to establish and apply international safety standards in the nuclear field. The IAEA Task Force that is established to implement the IAEA’s review in a transparent and inclusive manner comprised of international experts from neighbouring countries including China and South Korea, and third country laboratories, including those from neighbouring countries, also participated in the monitoring. The Government of Japan will continue to provide necessary information to the international community in a transparent manner based on the report.