Kampong Speu: Suspects in the two rape cases in Kampong Speu are still on the run. The brutal rape of a 14-year-old girl was reported on Monday, while the repeated rape of an 8-year-old girl was reported on Wednesday. The Cambodia National Council for Children has told EAC News that the two prime suspects, a 32-year-old man and a 13-year-old boy are still at large.
The Cambodia National Council for Children is hoping members of the public will come forward with information so that the two suspected rapists can be apprehended. CNCC Deputy Secretary General Ms. Sambath Sokunthea says that they are constantly communicating with police units but so far, no suspects have been arrested.
She says the 14-year-old girl who was bludgeoned with an axe after being raped in Kampong Speu remains in a coma in Phnom Penh. The girl was first brought to a hospital in Kampong Speu but due to the severity of her condition, she was transferred to the capital. The manhunt for suspected rapist, 32-year-old Math Mustafha, goes on.
The 14-year-old rape survivor is at Kantha Bopha Children's Hospital. Doctors continue to monitor her condition hoping she’ll pull through. Those investigating the case are at least thankful she had the strength to call for help and describe her attacker before she lost consciousness.