SIEM REAP: In addition to guiding tourists and maintaining order around the temples, the travel agency of the APSARA Authority also helps to solve various problems tourists may encounter while visiting the Angkor archaeology area.
On Thursday, 27 April 2023, the APSARA Authority announced that its travel agency has rescued tourists in need of help and also kept track of lost or forgotten items to return to their owners.
The manager of the travel agency at Angkor Wat temple, Lek Kimlin, said that in the past, there have been incidents where tourists have slipped, stumbled or fallen, causing them to sustain certain injuries while visiting the temlpes.
He said that in mild cases, the APSARA Authority’s travel agency cooperates with the tourist police and heritage protection police to provide timely rescue for injured tourists. In severe cases that require immediate first aid or CPR, the travel agency also has a team that is first aid trained and CPR certified, and work to transport tourists to the hospital as quick as possible.
In situations where tourists have dropped or forgotten their equipment or personal items somewhere around the temples, the travel agency, in cooperation with all relevant parties, do their best to return these lost items to their owners.
These are activities and services conducted by the APSARA Authority’s travel agency that are highly appreciated by all national and international tourists.