SIEM REAP: The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in collaboration with the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia will continue to provide free public WiFi to tourists even after the Angkor Sankranta festivities have concluded.
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications said that in light of the demand for internet from domestic and international tourists in Siem Reap and the public’s enthusiasm for it, the Ministry has partnered with the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia to continue to provide free high-speed internet access even after Angkor Sankranta.
Pat Dane is a reporter who covered the festivities and said that the free internet service at Angkor Sankranta made it easy for her to report and provide information quickly. "Having free internet makes it easier for me to write and submit news quickly," she said.
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications instructed those wishing to access WiFi to search for one of the 16 public hotspots by linking or scanning a QR Code at a designated location.