PHNOM PENH: Prime Minister Hun Sen has requested all provincial governors to set up Telegram Channels in their respective provinces to disseminate information and respond to fake news in a timely manner regarding cases occurring on the local level.
The Prime Minister acknowledged that Telegram Channels help to provide information to citizens faster than Facebook.
Speaking at the Closing Ceremony of the meeting to review the work of the Ministry of Interior in 2022, and set the work direction for 2023, on Thursday, 23 February, at the Sokha Hotel, the Prime Minister said, “To clarify information in a timely manner, I have asked [provincial governors to make Telegram Channels] and work together to send and receive information quickly.”
The Prime Minister confirmed that he will contact the provincial governors who created Telegram Channels to verify information before forwarding it to his own Telegram Channel to help disseminate that information more widely.
“It is to avoid distorting the truth, we must work together to get rid of fraudulent information because the whole world is fighting it,” he said.