Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Express Regret on Demolition of Nearly 100-year-old Huts at Ounalom Pagoda
The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts has expressed regret that the nearly 100-year-old ancient huts at Ounalom Pagoda were demolished to build stupas.
According to a letter to Samdech Tep Vong, the Great Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia, on the case of three huts within Ounalom Pagoda, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts requested to halt the demolition of all three ancient huts.
After receiving the news, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts expressed its regret that these three huts, which are recognized as national heritage and were registered with the Department of Culture and Fine Arts in Phnom Penh in 2017, were demolished.
The Minister of Culture and Fine Arts, Phoeurng Sackona, said that the Ministry, on behalf of the Royal Government, which has roles and duties in the management and protection of the cultural heritage, would like to confirm that the activities of the demolition of the three huts without the consultation and permission of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts are against the law and the circular of the Royal Government.
In an official letter, she also requests that Samdech Tep Vong, the Great Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia, to halt the demolition of these ancient buildings.