PHNOM PENH: The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Special Envoy of the ASEAN Chair on Myanmar, DPM Prak Sokhonn, has said he plans to pay a second visit to Myanmar later this month. During his visit, he will focus on meeting with all relevant stakeholders involved in the ongoing conflict in Myanmar. He confirmed these matters during a meeting with the Australian Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Kathryn Campbell, on Monday, 13 June.
During the meeting, the Cambodian Foreign Minister spoke about the evolving situation in Myanmar, highlighting the complexities of the crisis and the challenges of finding an appropriate solution that requires mutual understanding, patience, and tolerance from all stakeholders, as well as joint efforts, unity, and solidarity among ASEAN member states and all parties.
DPM Prak Sokhonn also highlighted the progress made on implementing the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus (5PC) on Myanmar, including his efforts, as the ASEAN Special Envoy on Myanmar, to lay the groundwork during his first visit to the country on 21-22 March 2022, on the matter of three urgent priorities: (1) the cessation of violence, (2) ensuring the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance without discrimination, and (3) building a conducive environment for an inclusive political dialogue to resolve the ongoing crisis.
In addition, the DPM highlighted three key outcomes achieved at the Consultative Meeting on Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar hosted by Cambodia on 6 May 2022, including: (1) the Arrangement Framework for the delivery of ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance, (2) addressing the operational challenges of delivering humanitarian assistance and (3) the Framework for Covid-19 Vaccine Administration in Myanmar.
In response, Secretary Kathryn Campbell praised the efforts of Prime Minister Hun Sen and DPM Prak Sokhonn in working towards finding a solution to the current crisis in Myanmar, and reaffirmed Australia's support for Cambodia's ASEAN chairmanship.
Both sides also expressed satisfaction over the long-standing friendship and good cooperation over the past 70 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, and agreed to continue this good friendship and cooperation into the future.