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Cambodia Wins Nine Gold Medals at the SEA Games. Most Gold and Medals Ever won

PHNOM PENH: The SEA Games have ended on a high note for Cambodian athletes, with winning nine gold medals at the SEA Games beating their previous total of 8 gold In Myanmar in 2013.

Cambodia’s total medal tally is 9 Gold, 13 Silver and 41 Bronze. Total of 63 medals. They have also beaten the highest medal tally by 10 medals. The old tally was 53, in Kuala Lumpur 1971.

The Athletes return home to Cambodia tonight EACNews would like to coagulate all the Athletes on their success.

The Sea Games will be held in Cambodia from the 5th to 16th of May next year.

The Host country finished on top of the medal tally, with a total of 446 medals.

Vietnam finished with Gold tally, with 205 Gold, followed by Thailand 92, Indonesia 69, Philippines 52, Singapore 47 and Malaysia 34.

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