PHNOM PENH: The Disability Action Council (DAC) held a two-day workshop to increase the effectiveness and boost the implementation of the National Disability Strategic Plan 2019-2023, to achieve results better.
The workshop was held from 4-5 April 2022 at the Cambodiana Hotel in Phnom Penh, under the chairmanship of the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation and Secretary-General of the Disability Action Council, Em Chan Makara.
The workshop was organized after Secretary of State Em Chan Makara provided guidance during an internal meeting held on 18 January 2022 at the Ministry of Social Affairs, requiring the Strategic and Inclusive Disability Advisor, Srey Vanthon, to organize the two-day workshop to strengthen teamwork and increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the National Disability Strategic Plan 2019-2023.
The two-day workshop was designed with careful consideration of the consultants' extensive experience in human resources and leadership development over the past 20 years. Methods have been designed to ensure that the honor and dignity of all individuals are not compromised and that full participation is required.
All public and private entities in Cambodia, like in many other countries around the world, have roles and responsibilities related to ensuring disability inclusion. These units and institutions contribute to the implementation of the five-year National Disability Strategic Plan, in order to effectively implement national and international policies and laws on the rights of persons with disabilities.
The Disability Action Council (DAC) was established to facilitate and provide disability counselling to all implementing agencies, and to work together to address disability issues in a professional manner, as well as the matter of disability inclusion, to ensure full participation and respect for human rights in Cambodia.
The DAC has Prime Minister Hun Sen as the Honorary President, the Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, Vong Sauth, as the President, along with other members who are senior officials representing all sectors.
The General Secretariat of the DAC was established to carry out day-to-day activities, coordinate and provide disability counselling to all implementing units as defined in Sub-Decree number 216 of the organization and functioning of the DAC.
The General Secretariat of the Disability Action Council is headed by Secretary of State of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Em Chan Makara, with five Deputy Secretary Generals in charge of technical management: (1) Administration and Finance Division; (2) Disability Rights; (3) Rehabilitation and Welfare of Persons with Disabilities; and (4) Integration of People with Disabilities and (5) Development of Disability and Communication Services.
Shortly after the National Disability Strategic Plan was launched in 2019, the unit faced hardships from the Covid-19 pandemic, causing the implementation of many of the activities under the five divisions to be slowed down and, thus, negatively affected.
However, the good results achieved in 2021 by the General Secretariat of the DAC is a matter of pride and a lesson that shows the importance of strengthening the spirit and teamwork of the DAC, and enhancing cooperation among the five divisions.