Geneva: The Cambodian Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Sokkhoeurn An confirmed to the 36-nation delegation at the meeting on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia, that Cambodia is highly committed to continuing to work with all partners to promote and protect human rights within the framework of the rule of law continue to promote sustainable development and peacekeeping in Cambodia, which has been difficult to achieve and is valued and protected by all Cambodians. He said that what Cambodia is doing is on the path to a good rule of law and democracy.
In an interactive dialogue on the Special Rapporteur's Oral Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia, held on 29 March 2022 in Geneva, the Cambodian Representative, Mr. Sokkhoeurn An responded to the UN Special Rapporteur and Some Western countries have evaluated and accused the Royal Government of Cambodia of taking measures against criminals as an application of the rule of law to protect social interests.
He said: "The Special Rapporteur did not provide details on the facts involved in inciting disobedience to the military and civilians, such acts are all condemned. The mastermind of the plot was also condemned by a former Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Council for inciting the overthrow of the popularly elected government."
He stressed that the participation of any person with a political party and non-governmental organization is not a license for that person to violate the law with impunity. An offense is a crime and cannot be manipulated as a reason to serve another purpose.
He said: "Opposition leaders have called those who re-applied for political rights" traitors “and who incited bank borrowers not to repay their loans, the Cambodian representative asked the Special Rapporteur and the Western delegates present at the dialogue whether all of these voices against the freedom of expression you are advocating for in Cambodia?”
The Permanent Representative of Cambodia stressed that the leadership in Cambodia is born of democratically elected and constitutional elections. Despite calls for a boycott of the 2018 election by some groups, turnout has risen sharply for the ruling party and the participation of former leaders in the upcoming elections. Thirty-two opposition parties have regained political rights, forming six new parties to compete with the ruling party in the upcoming elections.
Mr. Sokkhoeurn An stated that efforts and policies have been put in place to ensure that the upcoming commune elections are free, fair, orderly, peaceful and transparent.
It should be noted that in the interactive dialogue on the Special Rapporteur's Oral Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia, 28 out of 36 countries spoke in support of Cambodia's efforts, progress and achievements in promoting and Defend human rights, while only eight countries have criticized.
However, most of the delegates of the dialogue: "Emphasize the way the Special Rapporteur works, which should adhere to the principles of fairness, balance, non-politics, modernization and non-partisanship, taking into account the views of the government, the circumstances of the country and the importance of reliable and well-verified sources of information and facts."